Bullied Chicago Teen Commits Suicide Over Vaccination Status and He Was Vaccinated!

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May 1, 2022

Gregory Hoyt at Red Voice News reported on April 29 in an article entitled, “Bullied Teen Commits Suicide Over Jab Status, Parents File Lawsuit Against The Chicago School” that a “15-year-old boy who reportedly committed suicide after incessant bullying over his perceived COVID shot status have filed suit against the school over administrators allegedly not taking appropriate action to address the bullying”.

Access the complete court filing here

Hoyt continued, “On January 13th, Nate’s father found him hanging from the showerhead inside of their home with a cord wrapped around his neck as a noose.”

The child’s parents have filed a lawsuit naming multiple defendants all accused of contributing to the suicide by relentless bullies and a school administration and teachers that failed to address appropriately the severity of the bullying. 

Multiple administrator’s, teachers and counselors have been named as defendants as well as fellow students and their parents. The torment began when a fellow student and neighbor “began spreading rumors around school that the child was unvaccinated.”

Hoyt continues, “According to the lawsuit, Nate had indeed taken the COVID shot, but peers at his school continued to harass him, with random students on multiple occasions approaching Nate to ask if his parents were ‘anti-vaxxers.’”

The lawsuit states a teacher was also involved in the harassment. Andrew Sanchez, a geometry teacher “relentlessly accosted [Nate] in front of the entire class,” and had proclaimed in front of other students that Nate “was going nowhere in life.”

There was an obscene amount of cyber bullying and the child had scheduled a meeting with school administrators to report it. “Some of the cyberbullying included text message threads and Snapchat posts urging Nate to commit suicide, while others could be construed as indirect death threats. Apparently, the dean of students entertained this meeting, but did not dole out any discipline against Nate’s fellow students, nor did they inform Nate’s parents of this meeting being requested and taking place”.

The family alleges, “Our son would still be alive today if Latin School would have done their job and reported to us what had gone on within the school.”

Access the Redvoice Media Article here

Access the original Breibart article here 


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