Families Unite in a Call for Justice Regarding Hospital Protocols That Led to Deaths of Loved Ones

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July 15, 2022

On July 14, 2022, Epoch Times posted a report on efforts of family members to obtain justice for dead family members. They reported, “Many of these hospital deaths occurred in 2021, after COVID-19 vaccine mandates were announced by President Joe Biden. In some cases, people who didn’t want to take the experimental vaccine were being fired from their jobs, while unvaccinated patients in hospitals were being treated much differently than their vaccinated counterparts”.

Epoch Times continued with, “reports from people such as Scott Schara in Wisconsin and Anne Quiner in Minnesota began to reveal patterns of behavior by hospital administrators that suggested medical discrimination and protocols that many allege led to the barbaric deaths of their loved ones. To grasp how health officials, physicians, and citizens were falling in lockstep with what appeared to be a global trance, Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA technology, presented the idea that many had fallen into “mass formation psychosis.”

They report, “In a Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services in June, Texas state Sen. Bob Hall alluded to stories such as the ones collected by the FFFF when he said, “Never before have we seen the government step between the patient and the doctor and usurp that doctor’s right to exercise their conscience, their training, and what they know that patient needed.” Hall said it’s something “we need to get to the bottom of” so that it doesn’t become “the norm,” because the treatment isn’t only unhelpful, but also causing harm”.

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